About me

First born on 1958-10-23, 10:20 o'clock p.m. in Saarburg, Germany,

weight:4020 g, height: 53 cm, sholder scope2: 38 cm, brown hair and eyes. Till

today 2002-04-02 hardly changed: height: 181 cm,weight: 74,000 g.

Grown up in an extended family granny, grandpa, aunt, cousin, dad, mum,

Edgar,Helge, Markus, Walter, Ramon and two cats called Aladin and Muschi,

and we all together lived in a small house of about100 square meters.

Hard times with "Tante Anni" (Aunt Anni) leader of our Kindergarten group.


I went to school in Saarburg from 1964 untill 1973.

Short interlude in Munich, because I want to become a locomotive driver

as most boys do. Got homesikness and went back to Saarburg after 14 days.

From 1973 to 1974 I went to the Berufsgrundschuljahr Elektro,

getting basic lessons for electrical craftsman at the Geschwister Scholl Schule in Saarburg.

Small home-made-explosive-bang and rebirth as a blind on 1974-04-23.

From january 1974 to summer 1977 Berufsgrundschuljahr Wirtschaft and

2-jähriger Bildungsgang Wirtschaft (Commercial School) at the

 Landesanstalt und Schule für blinde und Sehbehinderte (school for the blind and disabled people by low-vision) in Neuwied/Rhein.

Took piano lessons because I allways was bored after the last school

bell. Piano teacher said: "Hi boy, you should become a piano tuner. I’m

allways been waiting weeks for these guys."

Ok, I asked the Johann August Zeune Schule for the Blind in Berlin-Steglitz,

the one and only place for blind people in Germany to become a piano tuner.

The returning answer: You have to wait 2 years before a place becomes vacant.

While the waiting period between 1977 to 1978 I become a shorthand-Typist.

Than I moved to Berlin-Steglitz. From 1978 untill 1981 I was apprentice

to become a piano tuner.

From 1981 untill 1988 I tuned some pianos, harpsichords and a single

clavichord (allways the same clavichord of the same customer).

Since 1983 I hold a half time job as a shorthand-typist at the Bistum

Trier (administration of the diocese of Trier in the south west area of Germany).

My hobbies are music, radio and TV, computing and enlarging my

collection of recordings (approx. 3,500 LPs, 9,000 CDs and 400 cassettes).

Have a look at me special interest at the Widor-Toccata-Page

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